
Category: Healthcare Trends

Keep up on healthcare industry trends, updates, and helpful tips from Covelo Direct

Healthcare Trends

Plan Ahead for Future Physician Staffing Needs

According to data published in June 2020 by the Association of American Medical Colleges, the U.S. could see a shortage of up to 139,000 physicians, including shortfalls in both primary and specialty care, by 2033. Since this report was released, many factors have further contributed to this shortage, including the

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Healthcare Trends

Locum Tenens Trends for 2023

Healthcare in the U.S. has gone through some major shifts since early 2020, with physician shortages making locum tenens more vital than ever to the healthcare industry. As we welcome 2023, here are a few important locum tenens trends our Covelo Direct senior recruiters have identified: Demand for behavioral health

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Smiling professional female doctor taking notes, looking at laptop screen
Healthcare Trends

Manage Career Transitions with Locum Tenens

Throughout every physician’s career, there are several milestone transitions. Following the completion of a residency and/or fellowship program, periodic transitions between full-time jobs, and the ultimate transition into retirement. Locum tenens can be an ideal way to navigate these periods of change for more reasons than one. Not only does

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Healthcare Trends

Find Work-Life Balance by Choosing Locum Tenens

Most physicians are drawn to the medical profession because they want to care for patients and help improve health outcomes. But should doctors be expected to sacrifice their own quality of life in the process of serving their community? Working extreme amounts of overtime, having little say in their work

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