
Find Work-Life Balance by Choosing Locum Tenens

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Covelo Direct

Most physicians are drawn to the medical profession because they want to care for patients and help improve health outcomes. But should doctors be expected to sacrifice their own quality of life in the process of serving their community?

Working extreme amounts of overtime, having little say in their work schedules, and managing the demands of excessive administrative tasks can all contribute to mental and physical exhaustion among doctors. This stress can lead to a feeling of apathy that is commonly referred to as “physician burnout.”

Locum tenens is a career choice that allows doctors to avoid (or recover from) this burnout by replacing rigid schedules with temporary assignments. Working locums allows doctors to focus on the reason they decided to practice medicine in the first place: patient care.

As a locums physician, you can earn a generous income on a schedule that leaves time and energy for hobbies, vacations, family, and friends. You have the freedom to create the best quality of life for yourself and still do the work you love.

Work the hours you want to work

For some providers, it’s important to have a predictable calendar that allows for downtime during the week. Other physicians may wish to cluster multiple assignments back-to-back so they can afford to take an entire season off to travel. Whichever your preference may be, a locum tenens schedule can help you reclaim your favorite pastimes and live your best life outside of work.

At Covelo Direct, we partner with physicians to establish a schedule that works best for them. Communicating your ideal work schedule to your recruiter upfront allows them to send the right opportunities your way as soon as they become available.

Choose your location

Maybe you’ve been curious about what it’s like to work in a major urban market like Los Angeles or Chicago. Or perhaps you’re eager to care for patients in a rural community. For some, working in a fresh environment with new colleagues is enough to feel reinvigorated and motivated in their career path.

Locum tenens physicians are in high demand across the country, in cities big and small, so if you’re ready for a change in scenery, this career path offers incredible opportunities for travel and adventure, as well as ongoing clinical skill development.

Keep in mind that locum tenens can still be a great fit for physicians who wish to stay close to home. In fact, many of our locum doctors opt to keep their full-time jobs and pick up shift work for additional income.

No matter your area of interest, Covelo Direct’s experienced recruiting team will match you with opportunities that take you where you want to go.

Focus on patient care

One of the major complaints we hear from medical providers considering locum tenens is that they have struggled with a lack of time to focus on patient care. Locum tenens allows doctors to do what they are trained to do as physicians and focus less on administrative tasks and bureaucracy.

Working locums gives you the freedom to attain the work/life balance you’ve been missing. If you want more time for hobbies, more opportunities to travel for both business and pleasure, and the autonomy to determine your own schedule all while doing the work you love, locum tenens might be the right choice for you.

Our team provides concierge-level support for every provider, and our senior recruiters are available to answer questions, resolve concerns, and provide the support necessary for you to achieve your professional goals.

Click here to schedule an introductory phone call with a senior recruiter today.